How to Email a Tattoo Artist

With the increase in the trend of tattoos, finding a suitable and experienced tattoo artist becomes difficult. Due…

How To Fade A Tattoo

A tattoo is an excellent way to display yourself, your personality, feelings, and accomplishments. Or anything else you want your body art to express. Yet, you decide you no longer want your artwork for some excellent reason later. The challenge is removing unwanted ink and knowing how to fade a tattoo. Since this action cannot be undone once it has been completed. The only option is to get rid of it completely. 

How Long Do Finger Tattoos Last

Getting finger tattoos is becoming a trend nowadays. Everyone loves a unique look. Finger tattoos make your personality…

How Long Does A Lip Tattoo Last

As the fashion industry changed, many things changed in the tattooing industry. Getting tattoos on lips has become…

How To Take Care Of A New Tattoo

Getting a new tattoo or modifying an existing tattoo requires special aftercare. For a tattoo enthusiast, you are…

How To Cover Tattoos At Work

these are the effective way to cover tattoos at work: 1. wear appropriate clothes 3. Use cover-up sleeves 2. Wear socks  4. Use makeup or concealer 5. Hairs style 6. Jewelry and accessories 7. Use long shoes 8. Fake injury.

How To Sleep With A New Tattoo

sleep on the opposite side of the tattoo ans follow the instructions, like do not sleep with your partner and pets. sleep in cool and cleaned room. wear soft night outfit.

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