How to practice tattooing

How To Practice Tattooing Tricks For Beginners

If you’re a starter and wondering how to practice tattooing, you need to consider a few essential things. Tattooing is a complex and sensitive job, especially for beginners. If you’re not a trained and certified artist, we recommend you wait to start making tattoos for customers or friends. We know every individual begins from scratch; with time, he gets a firm grip on tattoo art. An artist needs to be familiar with all equipment and the importance of making tattoos. This study will help you understand how to practice tattoos and also help you become familiar with the best things to practice tattoos on.

How to practice tattooing

As discussed above, no one becomes a pro artist from day one, and you need to practice for years. In every field, man learns from mistakes. It is the same as in tattoos; you will learn through mistakes.

How to practice tattooing

To be a good artist, you must follow a few pre-practice instructions. These are compulsory to practice tattooing and will help you learn how to practice it.

Basics of Tattooing 

Before you start practicing practically, you need to know the basics of tattooing, be familiar with tattooing before and after care, and learn how to assess the skin. Natural skin is very different from practicing skin; many other basics are essential to know. It would help if you learned about tattoo styles. It would help if you also learned about skin sensitivity; sometimes, artists draw tattoos on sensitive body parts that are not recommended to be inked. For this purpose, read the beginner’s guide to tattooing.

Know about equipments  

You need to be familiar with tattoo machines and equipment. If you’re a newbie, you will use and see some equipment for the first time. If you want to start practicing, we recommend visiting your nearest tattoo station to learn about the equipment.

Draw tattoos continuously

Drawing a tattoo is important to learn about tattooing; for best practice, remove tattoos all day on practice skin or its alternatives.

The finest and most typical advice tattoo artists give to those just starting in the industry is to draw as much as possible in various styles. We were instructed by a well-known artist to remove regularly and in multiple types.

Many tattoo artists begin with inking practice by transferring easy tattoo designs onto paper. It’s an excellent way to practice keeping your hand steady and getting used to applying designs to the skin. The outcomes of drawing so many tattoos continuously reveal how you practice tattooing.

Practice on fake skin

There are many alternatives to fake skin, like natural human skin, available in the market; you can practice on pig skin and silicone skin.

Practice on fruit and other objects 

You may replicate some of the challenges you’ll have while tattooing different sections of the body using apples, oranges, and other shaped objects like small stones. To be ready for someone who demands a tattoo on a more curving region of the body, look for things that resemble body parts that are frequently inked.

Learn to control the vibration of a machine

Your machine will vibrate violently when it operates, and you can feel it throughout your entire arm. When you turn on your device, dip your nip in ink and practice keeping your hand constant. Be ready for this.

Learn to assemble the machine

The machine must be put together correctly as well. It has a significant role in tattooing as well.

Practice with pencil

The easiest method to practice tattooing with a pencil is to do it like this. Tattoo artists need strong hands to support a tattoo machine for long periods. Put a pencil in the tattoo machine to begin developing this strength.

You’ll acquire a sense of the machine’s size by drawing as it adds weight to your pencil, and you’ll also begin developing the muscle memory required to tattoo flawlessly much more quickly. 

Try temporary tattoos on friends

Understanding how to deal with the body’s curves and shapes is crucial to learning to tattoo. Use a marker such as a Sharpie to practice sketching tattoo designs directly onto the body if you’re not ready to leave a permanent mark. This method may be used to tattoo oneself without leaving a lasting imprint.

This won’t teach you how to use a tattoo machine or how to judge the proper depth for the needle, but it will get you ready to design tattoos that follow the body’s shape and how to stay balanced when not working at a table or desk.

Tattoo yourself

The majority of tattoo artists start by practicing on themselves. You may train using both hands and achieve a nice stretch on the skin by having a tattoo on your thigh. Since you’ll be tattooing others with both hands, this provides you with the most practice. Thigh tattoos may also be covered up easily. If you’ve practiced enough, you can tattoo on human skin, but your first tattoos won’t be your best. They should be kept someplace that isn’t often visible.

Start from small tattoos

Start your tattooing career by making small tattoos on friends or family. Chances of mistakes in design are acceptable, but we recommend you select a design that gives you a margin of error or select an invisible body part to draw a tattoo.

tattoo practice skin alternatives 

What tattoo artists practice is a primary concern for beginners. You can practice tattooing on artificial skin; here are a few alternatives to practicing.

Silicone skin

Silicone-based synthetic skin was developed to provide potential tattoo artists with a soft surface that functioned more like human skin and responded appropriately to the needle and the ink. The silicone skin is available in sheets wrapped around body parts like the wrist or put flat, which is not advised.

The skin also comes in hand and foot shapes, giving you a more realistic practice surface with folds and curves similar to those seen in human skin.

Beginners are sometimes advised to use silicone skin since it accepts the ink in a way that resembles how it would appear on actual skin, enabling you to draw precise lines and vivid colors.

The silicone skin’s drawback is that stencils cannot be applied quickly, and many artists report ink blur while washing the skin.

Stencil paper 

You can use stencil paper as a natural skin alternative. Before getting close to someone’s skin, you should ensure that your design is flawless in their eyes because it will be a permanent feature on their body.

Using tattoo stencil paper is a habit that should start as soon as you begin since it is crucial to learn how to practice tattooing. The two types of paper available to tattoo artists are thermal paper and hectograph paper.

Practice on vegetables and fruit

You can use various vegetables and fruits to practice tattooing. You can use orange and cucumber as a skin alternative for practice.

Pig skin

You can also use the pig for practice skin alternatives. Pig skin has long been a favorite of painters because it closely mimics human skin, especially when using ink.

The roughness and leather-like feel of this often-used practice skin is a drawback since it might cause you to overcompensate and create a tattooing style that is far harder than you’d want to do on human skin. But a question arises for a beginner: Where do you get pig skin for tattooing? You can order online from any online store.

people also ask:

Use clean and sterilized pieces of equipment and avoid cross-contamination.

No, self-tattooing is not easy. When you tattoo yourself, you must handle everything as if it were infected. However, self-tattooing is acceptable with the proper equipment and sanitary procedures, and many tattoo artists begin their careers in this manner.

yes, while you practice again and again you learned with the passage of time.


Tattooing can be a fulfilling and meaningful experience for artists committed to this art technique. It is essential to look for the appropriate training, utilize top-notch tools, and abide by safety regulations to produce a safe and efficient result. Remember to practice regularly, seek feedback from others, and stay current with approaches and trends. You may become a proficient and prosperous tattoo artist with time and effort.

In this article, we try to convey the simplest method of How to practice tattooing; we hope this study will help to start your tattooing journey. Thanks for reading!

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